Pacific Cod

A Very Important Product for Today’s Food Service Industry – Pacific Cod

Commercially an important food species is the Pacific Cod. The food service industry has a special preference for Pacific Cod. It is also known as Gray cod or True cod or P-cod, and grows moderately fast and lives approximately 18 years. It’s weight varies from 2.5 – 3.6 kilograms and the length is usually 60 cm. It has a year round availability.

For storing the whole fish should be covered in ice and the stomach cavity must be stuffed with ice. Adding ice to the stomach slows the process of degeneration. Pacific cod should be stored between 30 and 36 degrees Fahrenheit. As this is a lean white fish, it is very tasty if it is micro waved, poached, baked and barbequed. It has a distinctive and mild flavor, which is very appealing to all classes of people.

We at Siam Canadian get the best quality Pacific cod through international procuring resources esp. form Canada, East Russia (Kamchatka). Our strictest quality monitoring procedures have helped us to build up over the years a world class reputation. We have customized programs to suit the needs of all varieties of customers. There is a steady and constant supply of Pacific cod to meet the demands of the world market. Quality is something we do not compromise on and yet we can offer you the best business deal. Over and above all, we also have instant access to real time market information.

Siam Canadian offers state of the art processing and packaging facilities for Pacific cod. We locally customize your packaging services with your own brand and private label.

Quality being foremost in our minds, we have a dedicated, full time, quality assurance team at each regional location. Our highly sophisticated laboratory tests every procurement very carefully for micro organisms, antibodies etc. It is but natural that Siam Canadian’s Pacific cod meat exceeds all internationally accepted industry standards.

Our experience since 1987, has helped us to build up our company’s reputation. We have inside knowledge of Southeast Asia’s vast seafood network and trusted industry partnerships. Local expertise is another most important factor which is inbuilt in our business to give maximum satisfaction. Because of our regional offices located strategically, we can speed up the entire process of sourcing and selling Pacific cod. We can offer you our products, at very competitive rates. Last but not the least, we have a process of completely inspecting every container prior to shipment.

Siam Canadian will continue to expand as it provides a variety of other frozen and value added seafood products apart from Pacific Cod. We export Pacific cod to all our customers and we guarantee the best quality product. If you come to us, we will deliver the goods exactly the way you want it.

Siam Canadian Group Frozen Seafood Exporters 

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