Swimming Crab

Siam Canadian’s Swimming Crab – Excellent Product at Bargain Price

The swimming crab is a fast moving Swimming Crab. It grows to about 8cm. It has stalked red eyes and its surface has a fine velvet texture. It stays in the stony and rocky shores and shallow water. It is found abundantly on moderately sheltered shores.

The species has very recently become commercially viable. The numbers vary from season to season.

Swimming crabs are swift and agile swimmers. A Swimming Crab usually swims sideways but can also swim backwards and sometimes forward. But these crabs are generally bottom dwellers. Most often they hide among the vegetation or slip under rocks and other narrow crevices.

They are streamlined so that they can race through the water. They have long pincers. They are fierce and if disturbed they pinch with their pincers.  A Swimming Crab eats fish, worms, and other crabs and may nibble on seaweed.

Swimming crabs are eaten by people everywhere. In Asia, the flower crab is commonly eaten. It is a distinctive crab, reddish yellow and light brown in color. It has a smooth body, 35mm in length and three small sized teeth between the eyes. Most females are only fertile during moulting. Moulting is the shedding of the old shell and regeneration of the new one.

The blue swimming is caught through the year from the tropical bed of Southeast Asia. Fresh crabs are cooked and cooled. The meat is graded and then pasteurized.

Siam Canadian procures the swimming crab meat and checks it carefully for quality. The Swimming Crab is cooked, cooled and heat treated in hermetically sealed containers to extend shelf life. They are then shipped to our customers all over the world. We can meet all your demands consistently as we purchase swimming crab meat in volumes.

We use our technical expertise to maximize efficiency and minimize cost. We have a knowledgeable and experienced buying team. We are willing to explore new areas and introduce various product offerings.

We source from the industry’s premium processors and we have access to real time market information. We can guarantee you the best of swimming crab in terms of quality and price.

For price quotes and any further information on Swimming Crab, feel free to call us today at: info@siamcanadian.com

Siam Canadian Group Frozen Seafood Exporters 
Email: info@siamcanadian.com

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